Wednesday, May 21, 2014

That's not my suitcase

After 4 days of "packing" and running errands, I finally got everything in my suitcase at about midnight last night. 
And yes that is my old dance team bag. 

Slept 4 hours and got to the airport around 6am.  Our flight was good- no crying babies or smelly people nearby- and we landed in DC earlier than expected! 

At the baggage claim, Michelle, Heidi, and Sarah got their bags in about 30 seconds. I saw a suitcase that looked like mine but wasn't packed full and expanded or secured by a pink lock... When I saw the purple suitcase come around again I got a little worried. And then when Mr. TSA took the 4 remaining suitcases off the belt, I knew we had a problem.  

"Is this Courtney?" I asked after calling the number on the luggage tag. "Do you by chance have a purple suitcase that says 'Ashley' on it?"  "Umm yes, and there's a pink lock on it."  My pink lock. Courtney came back to the baggage claim shortly after so we could trade bags. Thank god, I need all 
my stuff. 

<-- not my bag