Friday, May 30, 2014

German Holiday!

This morning we had a pharmacy student visitor, Christian, who is the current International Pharmacy Student Federation (IPSF) representative from Germany.  He shared some information with us about BPhD (German Pharmaceutical Students' Association- Bundesverband der Pharmaziestudierend en Deutschland), IPSF, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and the European Pharmaceutical Student Association (EPSA). 

BPhD was founded by student pharmacists in order to improve education and create resolutions & motions to affect the future of pharmacy (similar to APhA-ASP, the U.S. national pharmacy organization's student chapter).  BPhD supports a focus on the patient's health, interprofessional collaboration, evidence-based medicine & education, and economics. 

Christian was especially interested in learning more from us about collaborative practice agreements that many pharmacists have with other health care providers. 

With IPSF-Germany representative, Christian

Because it was a German Holiday (Ascension Day), we received the second half of the day off!  Most of the group decided to visit Wald Abenteuer, a ropes adventure course in Velbert.  We definitely had a lot of fun, and it was a great workout!

Entering the park- it was a bit rainy today

Signing our lives away

Avoiding the rain & trying to stay warm inside before braving the ropes course

Trying out the Intro course

Taking a little break after the Extreme course

Heidi taking on the challenge of the Extreme course

 Teeter-totter crossing

 Course Finale: Zip line!

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